Gamemodes Samp Stunt

Gamemodes Samp Stunt Average ratng: 3,5/5 4731 votes

This is basically a stunt/freeroam gamemode with additional 3 DM areas. The gamemode is scripted in yini saving system and contains custom admin system/commands with 4 levels. I started with this when I was new to scripting, you may even find bad piece of coding at some points. I have worked hard for this gamemode, since it is no longer in use, I'm releasing it. The gamemode has been renamed, please notify if you find any other server name inside the code/or ingame.

Some parts or functions are taken from the SA-MP forums. The vehicle system is not completely scripted by me, and the most maps are from Jese's Map Pack (Stunt). Player Commands. // Moderator (Level 1) /ban /slap /kick /warn /mute /unmute /jail /unjail /mutelist /announce /spec /specoff /asay /ip // Administrator (Level 2) /tempban /unban /clearchat /cweapons /worldtime /gotoxyz (+All level 1 commands) // Head Administrator (Level 3) /setlevel /setvip /removevip /setexp /resetgod (+All level 1 & 2 commands) (Head admins cannot set anyone server owner) // Server Owner (Level 4) /setlevelviarcon /kickall /toglostaccmsg /saveallstats (+All level 1, 2 & 3 commands) Total Commands: 29 The gamemode has lots of great features! I can't describe them all here! You can look below to the screens or download and check out the gamemode in game!

Panel Sa-Mp Repost Started by ReNo., 09 Jul 2017 panel+gamemode, Panel, gammeode and 4 more. 2 replies 528 views; ReNo. → GameMode-uri.


Gamemodes Samp Lietuviski


Gamemode Samp Bugged

» Screenshots (I'm bad at making textdraws.).