Manual Calculadora Casio Pb-110
Casio - pocket calculator manufacturer details and list of products. Las especificaciones oficiales (en el manual de. Se comporta como una calculadora. A diferencia de vd., yo conservo mi ejemplar de Casio PB-110 desde el.
Calculadora Cientifica Casio
Technical Note: 2/17/2005 Casio User Manuals W. Curtiss Priest, CITS, Group posting:,,,sci.electronic, Don't ask me why. The main Casio support site appears to ONLY carry User Manuals that are 'true text' Acrobat documents. However, someone, presumable in New Zealand, kindly scanned many of the earlier Casio User Manuals. So, while these cannot be searched inside Acrobat, in 'text mode' - they are quite handy as references. New Zealand Casio site - Support Document Search Note: As of 2/17/2005, format of the URL is, e.g., for CTK50 L.PDF (the%20 denotes spaces, e.g., 'CTK50 USER MANUAL.PDF') Note: This correspondence is not always followed, for example, EDB100J-1A corresponds to 2551.PDF Note: I added the word 'Casio' to each line containing the word 'MANUAL' to make search engines find manuals more easily. My interest was in their keyboard synthesizers, so here is a partial list, with those (below these, I've pasted in every manual by model).
Also, some Casio products have a dash between the first few letters and the numeric part. So, I wrote a short Basic program to add the dash, to the first entry for each product. For example, my keyboard is a CT-650, which actually is NOT in this list, but, the CT-6500 (aka CT6500) is a reasonable substitute, and no, I don't know how similar these two are, but for questions I had, the CT6500 manual sufficed.
FYI, the Basic program to 'paste in the dash' appears at the end. If this Casio archive disappears, contact me.
I've archived all 1.1 gig. Of manuals, and will trade for any interesting electro-mechanical gadget, e.g., a motor driven calculator, or an old laptop computer.