Portable Photoshop
First: I am sorry on how rude I will be, but I think you're here long enough to know these things. Second: please! There is more on PortableApps.com than the Off-Topic forum. This should go to the.
Hello Quorans, This is my first answer on quora. I consider myself worthy to answer this coz I use Photoshop since I was a kid back then where my dad had a photo studio.
Portable Photoshop Mac
Third: no can do! Photoshop is not OpenSource, so it won't be portabilized. It is illegal to modify or redistribute Photoshop without Adobe permission. So PortableApps.com won't portabilize it. Forth: Please see the Guidelines!
Download adobe photoshop portable free - Adobe Photoshop CS5 update 12.0.4: A more reliable experience, and much more programs. Portable photoshop free download - Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Photoshop Extended, and many more programs.
Here are the, and the. Fifth:, use it!!! I don't like to be this way, but you already have 5 weeks of forums usage. You should know these things! I am sorry for this rudeness, I don't like to be like this, but this time it had to be like that. Hope to have helped.
Chavezery09 you can get it on link censored and type photoshop in the searchbar, you might have to install it (i don't remember) and then when you open it, a license agreement thing will pop up (no matter what u press it will still open). Chavezery09, I'd like to request you to remove the link you made available on your post, as it links to illegal software (as in it was made available for free and modified without the company's permission) and that goes against the forum guidelines. Beyond that I would like to add that the specific site you linked to has a bitter relationship with PortableApps.com as it uses this site's launchers and apps without the proper requirements of such launcher's licenses (notify the user of the original creator and provide the source code), and uses the PortableApps.com trademarks without proper permission from John. So, again, I would like to request that you remove the link from your comment, and thank you ahead.
Oh, and welcome to PortableApps! Versions of Photoshop DO exist that have been modified or packaged to run more or less portably. But consider that even the cheapest version of Photoshop costs $199. Adobe doesn't give their product away for free, and they don't allow the repackaging or modification of their product with the intent of giving it away for free. If you have 'randomly' acquired a portable version of Photoshop, then you have received stolen property. How often do we have to say that illegal is NOT supported, NOT distributed, and NOT encouraged at PortableApps.com?
'one.exe' sounds like ThinApp. This has been said at least a zillion times before, but I'll say it again.sigh. ThinApp itself is pirated in 99% of cases; the price tag is too high for most people to get it legally. Therefore, right out the gate, you've probably got a pirated app.
Next, Photoshop is a commercial app. You can't just 'randomly get' it without shelling out a lot of cash, and it doesn't sound like you did that. Dne2000.Sys. Third, I'm not familiar with Photoshop's license terms, but they probably say something 'You're not allowed to modify this app in any way.' That includes portabilizing it, with or without ThinApp. License violation. Finally, 'randomly' getting a pirated app is just begging for malware.
I don't recall the exact statistics, but I saw stats someplace showing that some ridiculously high percentage of pirated apps is laced with malware. And why wouldn't it be? The guy who makes the pirated app knows you're not likely to go get some help for fear of repercussions from getting pirated apps.
He also knows he can make a nice bundle of cash by giving you a banking trojan (Zeus is pretty popular lately) and draining your bank account, by giving you a spam-sender (spam is a ludicrous racket, from all I hear), or through any number of other tricks. Sheer stupidity. If you want a really-portable, legal, Photoshop, contact VMWare and ask them about it.
Portable Photoshop Download
They'll let you buy ThinApp for something like $5,000 or $10,000; they can also talk to Adobe about the licensing. Just be aware you'll pay through the nose for your privilege (I wasn't kidding about the price tag on ThinApp).
Portable Photoshop Cc
You, sir, seem to be one of those people who are bent on getting what they want regardless of what that requires. I can quite honestly say I have no respect for that. I'm also not quite sure #1 why you're here (since we're all about doing things legally here; if you like portable pirated apps so much, you can get them in a plethora of places) and #2 why you're bringing this up here (see my comment for #1). There are 'ways' to do just about anything. Those ways aren't necessarily legal, and IMHO if it's illegal you shouldn't even consider it. There are gray areas, of course, but this isn't one of them. Let me start off by saying I'm not here to argue for 1.
I am here because believe it or not i do things legally. And sure i would do whatever it takes to get what i want you cannot sit here and tell me you wouldn't. I brought it all up because i saw some people saying it is not possible to do when it clearly is doesn't matter if it is legal or not my point being that it is possible. And yes I'm not sitting here saying i support people to go out and do illegal things. That is not even close to what i am saying because yea your right if it is illegal then don't do it. I ran across this by accident actually and was like well what the hell and downloaded it just to see if it worked and it did. So u see i am not such a bad person.